Upcoming Attractions and Recent Happenings

Hello from Pokhara! Yes I am still here. It has been hectic lately as I plan the last few months of my time abroad and my last weeks here in Nepal- see my upcoming schedule below. I graduated today from an ashram here that offers instruction in Tibetan Buddhist Healing. It was a great course called Lama Fera.

Here I am with my teachers- a very enlightened father/son team.

Here is my upcoming schedule
Nov. 1 - 4 Pilgrimage to Muktinath, Nepal. Muktinath is a Vishnu temple, sacred to both Hindus and Buddhists. It is located in Muktinath Valley at the foot of the Thorong La mountain pass in MustangNepal. It is one of the world's highest temples (altitude 12467 feet). 

I will be sharing photos similar to this while in Muktinath. 
12, 000 ft elevation

Nov. 11 - 14 Pilgrimage to Namo Buddha near Kathmandu, Nepal. Before Buddha incarnated as the Buddha he had another another life in Namo Buddha, Nepal where he sacrificed himself out of compassion to feed a hungry tigress and her cubs. There is a beautiful monastery there and great views of the Everest area of Nepal.

Sneak preview of Namo Buddha courtesy of Google

Nov. 15 - Nov. 22  I leave Nepal after 4 months of enjoying this place that is like home to me. I will travel to Dharamsala Himachal Pradesh, India home of His Holiness the Dalai Lama (photo also courtesy of internet)

Nov. 23 - Nov. 27  I travel to Ujjain, India to visit "my" pundits, plan upcoming programs and celebrate my birthday on November 25th there.  Visit our website at www.bhawnayagya.org

Nov. 27 - Dec. 4 Kerala, India to visits the birthplace of Adi Shankaracharya and other surprise visits to interesting places that I will share later!
