Visit to Gurkha Soldier Museum: "If a man says he is not afraid of dying, he is either lying or he is a Gurkha."

I have been eating up books on Nepal history. It is so intriguing. One facet of the history that many people are aware of because of their incredible reputation is the the Gurkha Soldiers. There is so much to be said about their history and daring deeds that I am not able to cover here. I came out of the museum blown away by the courage of these men. So a few highlights.

The Gurkha Soldiers are mercenaries that have fought for Britain and India primarily. They are still recruited and there are currently battalions in Britain and India. Also Singapore uses them for protection in various circumstances and miscellaneous peace keeping entities.

I have seen first-hand the strength of these mountain men and women in day to day life here. For the most part, the Nepalese are small in size. Most of the men are my size 5'3"or perhaps a bit taller and slight of build. Yet the Gorkha soldier can run an uphill race course (bearing weights) 4 hours faster than a normal soldier. Their training sets them apart in a league far above the norm.

In terms of valor and bravery, I was blown away by the scores and scores of stories in the museum of the courage of the Gorkha. For example, sustaining numerous injuries and fighting without succumbing until the battle was won, walking out solo into hailstorms of bullets in wide-open fields to accomplish a mission, rescuing fellow soldiers with one of their own limbs blown off, etc etc. Incredible is the only word to describe them.

The walls were lined with stories of men whose bravery, strength and loyalty were extreme!

The Khukri dagger/knife is the weapon synonymous with the Gorkha Soldier

One highlight of the visit to the museum was to meet these two boys- Isaac and Kushal -who were hopefuls to join the Gurkhas. They preferred to enlist for Britain because Britain allows them to stay in the country after service.

They informed me that the minimum height was 5 foot 3 inches to apply. Isaac just made the measurement requirement. The criterion and qualifications needed are very difficult to fulfil and only a few are chosen these days. They were going to apply again next year.

Isaac on the left and Kushal on the right are Gurkha hopefuls.  According to them, the qualities of strength, loyalty and courage are what give the Nepalese the special edge in soldiering. 

I will leave you with this incredible clipping that was on display highlighting the valiant Gorkhas of recent time . Perhaps you can enlarge it to read how this Gorkha soldier single-handedly fought off 30 Taliban on his own. Just the norm in the day of the life of the Gorkha!
